This is Maurice - is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen? These kittens have been our constant friends and love bugs - they are right at my heels no matter how early in the morning it is and even follow me around in the rain. Which speaking of, is why I didn't post for the last couple of days. It has been storming nonstop here and we have been busy every minute getting the brooder house protected from the drafts and building a cover for Bessie (our very original jersy cow name).

Anyway, the turkeys and laying hens came in today! 25 Barred Rock laying chicks and 100 turkey chicks (60 Bourbon Reds and 40 Bronze) All the turkeys went into one brooder house and the laying hens went in with the Guineas.
I was worried the Guineas would bother the little one day old Barred Rocks but the spunky little things immediately started chasing the larger birds around. Ian and Ella both had friends over today and we are going to the Fourth of July Parade in Taylor tomorrow.
Much Love and Happy Independence Day!
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