Yesterday morning we went out to check on the nine new Guineas and there were only 7! Uh Oh... so we spent the morning stapling metal grids to the bottom of the pen and shoring up all the holes we could find. This morning all 7 were still there so it seems to have worked.

Later in the day we received a special delivery! Our new jersey heifer joined our family and she is just as sweet as she can be. She's 13 months old and hasn't been around people much so she's very shy - we are trying to halter break her so that's why she has the halter and lead rope on right now. She's bred to a Charlais bull and is due to calve in September. That seems young to be bred but Jerseys mature at about 6 months and are one of the smallest breeds of cattle so they generally calve at a young age. Right now we are just trying to spend lots of time with her so that she gets comfortable with us and we can hand milk her when the time comes for her to calve. We plan on leaving the calf with her which should still leave us about a gallon of milk per day on one milking - we shall see!

Here are the chickens enjoying an organic apple snack for breakfast.
Here is the count so far:
1 Jersey (and calf soon to come)
3 Buff Orpington laying hens
7 guinea fowl
11 rabbits
4 kittens
1 Bassett Hound
2 children
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