OK - my last post was a draft that I couldn't post until now because the pics wouldn't upload so just pretend I posted it last Thursday.
NOW... We are in the beautiful country of Serbia. The plane ride was sooooooo.... LONG! Took off from San Anonio at 1:00pm and got into Rome at 9:30am the next day.

We were in the Rome airport for 7 hours before our plane took off for Belgrade - we landed in a tornado (just barely) and everyone on the plane was clapping (and/or crying) because we didn't die. Then a taxi to the bus station, a 4 1/2 hour bus trip and we finally made it to Zlatibor at 1:00am!!! Happy to report that despite our fears, there were no chickens or livestock on the bus - it was actually very comfortable.
We are now in the process of adjusting to being in a VERY foreign country. The receptionist lady said we were the third Americans to ever stay at their hotel. Yikes! While I was at the bus station, I had to pay 30 dinar to use the restroom (aka toilet) this was a unique experience for sure.

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore. Happy to say that the facilites at the resort are much more in line with what we are used to. So after traveling for two days straight, we tried to get something to eat.

Geeee.... so many options, who can choose? Needless to say, language has been a huge barrier. We have our little phrase translator and some of the people speak a little English but we ended up eating pizza for two days because it was the only thing we were sure was edible. Of course they serve it with ketchup on it and we don't know how to ask for it without. Yum.
We had breakfast in the Zlatibor town square yesterday and ordered off the menu - I ended up with a butter and lamb fat sandwich - it was actually pretty good. Now the coffee on the other hand... you can literally stand a spoon up in it. I'd kill for a good cup of american coffee by now.

Aside from the language and food issues, the weather has been great - maybe a bit cold but this Texas girl aint complaning! When I left, it was 100 degrees and now I'm strolling around in 60 degrees of coolness! Loving it! Kids are having a good time - Ian can't understand why everyone doesn't just speak English like normal people and Ella wants to nap all day!

Tomorrow we are going on some sort of tour - couldn't understand when they told us what it was - we just told the front desk we wanted to see something. Let you know how that goes.
I am loving that you can post pics and updates while you are over seas! This is so fun to read : ) I am still remembering some of those phrases you found in Serbian on your iphone and they still make me laugh. Hopefully you haven't had to use them yet (or had anyone use them on you!) What an amazing beginning your trip is off to. And I'll pray that you guys find some consumable coffee. Remembering that God is a lavish giver, I am sure coffee is something He would love to bless you with : )