Do you remember the movie Footloose with Kevin Bacon? Well....last night at the Taylor Rodeo, I realized ... that's my life! I had my cowboy boots, jeans and cowboy hat on sitting watching the bull riders surrounded by everyone else in Taylor - I felt like a total imposter! Who is this person? Me... a farmer....in a small town???? Weird.
The kids enjoyed running around - it's nothing like the San Antonio Rodeo - everyone knows everyone else and the kids just run wild around the place. Midway through they invited all the kids to climb over the fence and come see if they could grab a flag off the tail of a steer. Winner got a new pair of boots. I'm not making this up.
Naturally both my kids got in on it but that little steer was fast and didn't want a bunch of kids chasing him. A group of kids got one of the steers but the other stayed out of reach. Here's the kicker - they both had horns - like, sharp ones - I was pretty sure at least one kid was gonna get gored but everyone made it out in one piece.
Then they had all the adults that wanted to, come out and wrestle, saddle and ride one of three larger steers with bigger, sharper, horns. Are there no lawyers in Taylor? Has no one here heard of liability??? I love it!!! AND at the end of the prayer to start the rodeo, they said "in JESUS name we pray".
I think I'm gonna like small town life.
Yee Haw!! Sounds like fun!! Too bad none of the Rabons scored a new pair of boots - maybe next year. But then, you'll have the Van Vleet kids to contend with : )