Day 1
So how did this all begin? A friend gave me the book "Real Food" by Nina Planck, then she gave me a gallon of raw milk (which at the time I was pretty sure was practically lethal). I survived drinking my first gallon which was absolutely delicious and curious, I began to read. And read. And read. I read everything about raw milk, whole foods, organic growing, factory farming, etc. that I could get my hands on.
Then we watched the movie "Food Inc." It changed our lives. We decided as a family that we wanted to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. We wanted to opt out of the industrial agriculture system and change the way we ate and how we thought about food.
So, like new zealots, we bought organic, drank raw milk and frequented the farmer's market. We grew some of our own veggies and bought some beautiful laying hens. For our first experiment, we raised some broilers from chicks, processed and ate them. That's when we knew. We wanted to do this for real.
When the opportunity presented itself to move to Austin, we searched and found a beautiful 30 acre property in Taylor and the rest as they say is well... history in the making.
We have been in the house one week now and so much happens on a daily basis that I decided to create this blog so that friends and family could keep up with us now that we are "country folk". Enjoy.