Pigs are doing great - happy and funny as can be.
Still dealing with an owl problem - hate that darn thing - just invested several hundred in some blinking red lights that are supposed to keep it away. Wouldn't a .50 cent bullet do the same thing? If there are any game wardens reading this, I'm just KIDDING! For now.
I've gone out several times at midnight and there it is, just sitting on the barn or pole trying to decide which chicken to eat. We rescued two Great Pyranees that are keeping it at bay - mostly.
Our processing shed is built and we are getting the electricity and water hooked up - just in time for our first on-farm sale day. I have been overwhelmed and amazed at how many people manage to just find us because they are looking for clean, humane food. WOW - we have done virturally zero advertising and we are getting close to selling out of all of our chickens and turkeys. John thought we were crazy to raise so many before we even had one single customer but people are hungry for real food and God has provided like crazy. We found a wonderful church near us and have started going to a bible study each week and... it's all good here on the farm.
So... I even hate to post this pic... but one of our rabbits just kindled (translate to gave birth) to four babies. They are so darn cute it just makes you want to squeal (well...maybe only if you're a girl) so the absolute hardest part about raising meat rabbits is just how darn adorable they are as babies. What kind of heartless wretch do you have to be to kill and eat these fuzzy cuties? I'll let you know in December - they are already sold so the date is looming.